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      Common faults of gear pump

      • 2020-01-17
      • 866

      (1) Failure phenomenon: the pump cannot discharge

      Reason for failure: a. The direction of rotation is opposite; b. The suction or discharge valve is closed; c. There is no material at the inlet or the pressure is too low and the viscosity is too high, the pump cannot bite the material

      Countermeasures: a. Confirm the direction of rotation; b. Check whether the valve is closed; c. Check the valve and pressure gauge, check the viscosity of the liquid, and check whether the flow rate proportional to the speed occurs when running at low speed.

      (2) Failure phenomenon: insufficient pump flow

      Causes of failure: a. The suction or discharge valve is closed; b. The inlet pressure is low; c. The outlet pipeline is blocked; the stuffing box leaks; e. The speed is too low

      Countermeasures: a. Confirm whether the valve is closed; b. Check whether the valve is open; c. Check whether the discharge is normal and tightened; When a large amount of leakage affects production, stop the operation and disassemble and check; e. Check that the actual speed of the pump shaft is abnormal

      (3) Failure phenomenon: abnormal sound

      Causes of failure: a. The coupling is eccentric or poorly lubricated b. The motor is faulty; c. The reducer is abnormal and the shaft seal is not installed properly; e. The shaft is deformed or worn

      Countermeasures: a. Correct or fill the grease; b. Check the motor; c. Check the bearings and gears, check the shaft seal; e. Dismantle the parking and check for excessive current. Gear pump series

      (4) Failure phenomenon: excessive current

      Causes of failure: a. The outlet pressure is too high; b. The melt viscosity is too large; c. The shaft package is not well equipped and the shaft or bearing is worn; e. The motor is faulty

      Countermeasures: a. Check the downstream equipment and pipelines; b. Check the viscosity; c. Check the shaft seal, adjust appropriately, check after stopping, and check whether the handcart is too heavy; e. Check that the motor pump stops

      (5) Failure phenomenon: the pump suddenly stops

      Causes of failure: a. Power failure; b. Motor overload protection; c. Coupling damaged, outlet pressure too high, interlocking reaction; e. Abnormal bite in the pump; f, shaft and bearing stuck

      Countermeasures: a. Check the power supply; b. Check the motor; c. Open the safety cover and check the interlocking system of the vehicle;

      (6) Failure phenomenon: leaking seal

      Causes: a. The shaft seal is not adjusted well; b. The seal is worn and the gap is large; c. The dynamic and static friction surfaces of the mechanical seal are damaged;

      Countermeasures: a. Readjustment; b. Tighten the gland bolts or replace the seal ring; c. Replace the dynamic and static rings or re-grind and replace the spring



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